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Rural Pact Coordination Group (RPCG) Declaration on the future of rural areas and rural development policy in the European Union

The RPCG Declaration – adopted on 12 December 2024 – sets out a strategic proposal for the post-2027 EU funds and policies to address the challenges faced by rural areas. It calls for a strong shift in future policies to ensure the sustainability and resilience of EU’s rural areas in the long run.

  • European Union
Declaration on the future of rural areas and rural development policy in the European Union

The Declaration is a collective response to the questions set out in the European Commission’s report on the long-term vision for EU’s rural areas of March 2024. It aims to inform and influence future policy with specific proposals to provide better support for rural areas and communities. 

Highlighting the importance of rural areas and communities not only for rural inhabitants, but for the broader economic, environmental, and social well-being of the European Union as a whole, the Declaration calls for:

  • Increased and streamlined funding for rural areas through a compulsory minimum allocation to rural areas from all post-2027 EU funds and a better resourcing of community-led, place-based approaches, such as LEADER and Smart Villages;
  • Enhanced coordination among relevant administrative bodies at all governance levels, compulsory implementation of the Rural Pact model, including multi-fund and multi-stakeholder coordination, and guidance and training for the implementation of ‘rural proofing’;
  • Capacity building for local actors, including on access to funding, tailored interventions reflecting the diversity of rural areas and their particular needs, and extended use of data to inform evidence- and result-based future policies.

The Declaration was developed through a strong participatory process with Rural Pact Coordination Group members, who were invited to provide input via a questionnaire addressing the nine questions outlined in the implementation report on EU rural vision. RPCG members adopted the final, consolidated text of the Declaration by simple majority on 12 December 2024.



English language

Declaration on the future of rural areas and rural development policy in the European Union

(PDF – 1.45 Mo – 8 pages)

Bulgarian language

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Czech language

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Danish language

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German language

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Greek language

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Spanish language

Declaración sobre el futuro de las zonas rurales y de la política de desarrollo rural en la Unión Europea

(PDF – 838.61 Ko – 8 pages)

Estonian language

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Finnish language

Julistus maaseutualueiden tulevaisuudesta ja maaseudun kehittämispolitiikasta Euroopan unionissa

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French language

Déclaration sur l’avenir des zones rurales et de la politique de développement rural dans l’Union européenne

(PDF – 836.59 Ko – 8 pages)

Irish language

Dearbhú maidir le todhchaí na gceantar tuaithe agus maidir le todhchaí beartais forbartha tuaithe san Aontas Eorpach

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Croatian language

Izjava o budućnosti ruralnih područja i politike ruralnog razvoja u Europskoj uniji

(PDF – 817.01 Ko – 8 pages)

Hungarian language

Nyilatkozat az Európai Unió vidéki területeinek és vidékfejlesztési politikájának jövőjéről

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Italian language

Dichiarazione sul futuro delle zone rurali e sulla politica di sviluppo rurale nell’Unione europea

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Lithuanian language

Deklaracija dėl kaimo vietovių ateities ir būsimos kaimo plėtros politikos Europos Sąjungoje

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Latvian language

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Maltese language

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Dutch language

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Polish language

Deklaracja w sprawie przyszłości obszarów wiejskich i polityki rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w Unii Europejskiej

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Portuguese, Portugal language

Declaração sobre o futuro das zonas rurais e da política de desenvolvimento rural na União Europeia

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Romanian language

Declarație privind viitorul zonelor rurale și al politicii de dezvoltare rurală în Uniunea Europeană

(PDF – 825.23 Ko – 8 pages)

Slovak language

Vyhlásenie o budúcnosti vidieckych oblastí a politiky rozvoja vidieka v Európskej únii

(PDF – 826.04 Ko – 8 pages)

Slovenian language

Izjava o prihodnosti podeželskih območij in prihodnji politiquei razvoja podeželja v Evropski uniji

(PDF – 821.1 Ko – 8 pages)

Swedish language

Förklaring om framtiden för landsbygden och landsbygdsutvecklingspolitiken i EU

(PDF – 846.47 Ko – 8 pages)