Good Practice - Project

Combining aquaculture and cultural heritage to boost tourism in Posavje, Slovenia

A project diversifying agricultural and aquacultural activities by incorporating a cultural heritage element into an renewed tourism offer.
  • Rural Pact
  • Rural Revitalisation Platform
  • - Slovenia Location Type: EU
    - Slovenia Location Type: EU


    In Slovenia's Posavje region, an agricultural cooperative identified untapped potential in aquaculture, local products, and cultural heritage. The project aimed to diversify activities, linking aquaculture and viticulture and incorporating cultural heritage management. 

    It led to the creation of a new cultural and green tourism product, featuring two visitor centres and the rejuvenation of abandoned cultural sites. These initiatives have boosted tourism and local employment.


    The consortium's strategic achievement in crafting a tourism package stands out as the main accomplishment of this initiative. 

    The project has contributed to local employment by creating a new role within the Krško farmers' cooperative. This role involves coordinating and marketing the new tourism product, as well as promoting the combined offering of fish products and wines by KZ Krško. 

    Thanks to the initiative, the Krško winery has created a visitor centre that, in addition to the star product of the project, includes an educational kitchen, sanitary facilities and a tasting room. Importantly, these facilities will be actively used by all three project partners. 

    Guided tours in the renovated facilities at Sevnica Castle and the Krško winery have drawn increased interest to these locations. 

    Lastly, the project has contributed significantly to the rejuvenation of abandoned cultural heritage and the preservation of the cultural landscape, particularly through the storytelling aspect related to wine.



    • KMEČKA ZADRUGA KRŠKO Z.O.O. (Wine Cellar Krško) - an agricultural cooperative 


    • Akval d.o.o., Javni zavod za kulturo, šp ort, turizem in mladinske dejavnosti – KŠTM Sevnica - Public Institute for Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Activities
    • Kulturno društvo Leskovec pri Krške m - Cultural Society

    European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)


    English language

    Combining aquaculture and cultural heritage to boost tourism in Posavje, Slovenia

    (PDF – 466.18 Ko)


    Challenges in rural areas of the Posavje region of Slovenia encompass market access and competition for local producers, hampered by often insufficient infrastructure and technology. Local suppliers of aquaculture and agricultural products are increasingly exposed to fierce competition from more favourable foreign importers. Aquaculture and regional farms are small and have difficulty competing, as relatively small quantities make the unit price of production higher. Fewer and fewer young people choose these professions and production is abandoned. In this context, the preservation of cultural heritage, balancing the promotion of heritage for tourism with sustainable management, as well as the enhancement of local producers through a complete and attractive tourist package, represent the ambitious project carried out in Posavje.


    • Develop an innovative tourism product titled "From fisherman to manor house," and create employment opportunities around its management. 
    • Establish two visitor centres to boost market presence. 
    • Improve the visibility of Posavje fish through the implementation of an information and education programme. 
    • Raise the added value of products by developing fish items and cuisine, along with providing additional services.

    Activities,key actors, and timeline

    The project's primary focus was on designing and developing a tourism product that leveraged local legends about fishermen in the region. This product highlighted the significance of aquaculture, fish cuisine, and the cultural heritage of the area. This package allowed visitors to experience Posavska fish, local wines, and explore the cultural heritage of castles while immersing themselves in the legends surrounding these elements. 

    To raise awareness of this tourism product, various promotional materials and activities were undertaken. These included press conferences, digital marketing efforts, the creation of five short videos, the production of presentation leaflets, a booklet titled "Tales from Fisherman to Squire," and another booklet containing recipes for fish cuisine and wine pairings. These dissemination activities were integral to spreading the word about the offering. In addition, thanks to the project's funding, two visitor centres were established. These centres provided essential infrastructure for the implementation of the tourism product, including exhibition and multimedia equipment. The project also included the creation of a programme focused on Posavje fish, life along the river, castles, vineyards, heritage, and local products. This programme covered various aspects, such as the production of an educational film for schools, culinary and cultural evenings, and cookery courses.

    Success factors/lessons learnt

    The primary reason for the success of this initiative was the collaboration between various local organisations from different fields. They joined forces to explore how to better highlight the region's key strengths, especially in the face of significant challenges like competition, sustainable tourism, and job creation to combat population decline. This involved numerous consortium meetings, research efforts, market analysis, and ongoing dialogues among partners and with local producers. All these elements were combined to create a project proposal that secured the necessary funding. The main opportunity the project seized was in recognising the untapped potential of local products, as well as the natural and cultural heritage of the Posavje region.

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