Policy Lab ‘Enhancing policy coordination for vibrant rural areas: Learning from experience to build a sustainable rural future’
- Rural Pact
- Governance
- Connected rural areas
- Resilient rural areas
- Stronger Rural Areas
- Prosperous rural areas
This Policy Action Lab, organised by the Rural Pact Support Office, explored the best policy tools to ensure institutional, governance and integrated support for rural areas at all levels. It further discussed how to improve the availability of policy-relevant information on rural policy tools and funding streams, without increasing the administrative burden.
Organised by Rural Pact
- English
- Hotel Le Plaza Brussels - Brussels, Belgique
- In-person
- Facilitate reflection on existing national and regional rural strategies and action plans, including identification of key challenges and lessons learned;
- Enable critical analysis concerning the availability of information on the various streams of funding and policy tools targeted at rural areas, and scope for improvements;
- Develop proposals and recommendations for the way forward with EU policy tools for the achievement of the rural vision.
The event took place in Brussels and was held in English with no interpretation. Travel and accommodation costs were covered for a limited number of accepted participants.

Image by Miki Czetti on Canva
- Welcome and introduction to the day
- Setting the scene: Integrating EU policies at EU and Member State levels
- Challenges of monitoring funding in rural areas
- Co-creating conclusions and proposals
- Closing remarks
The European Commission’s report on ‘The long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas: key achievements and ways forward’ published in March 2024 shows the significant progress achieved in the implementation of the rural vision. During the last months of 2024, EU policymakers, including the new European Parliament and the College of European Commissioners, will be speeding up the preparation of the European policy and funding package post 2027.
This crucial time is an opportunity to mobilise rural stakeholders and policymakers and discuss how the rural challenges and opportunities can be taken into account in all public policies, both at the EU level and in Member States and regions.
It would be particularly important to ensure that funds and other policy tools with an impact on rural areas are effectively integrated to ensure complementarity and synergies. Additionally, monitoring information on how these funds are spent in rural areas needs to be readily available and feed into the policymaking process.
This Policy Action Lab offered an opportunity to discuss how policy tools for EU rural areas can be improved. In particular, the exchange of views focused on two of the nine open questions asked by the European Commission in its report on the implementation of the rural vision, namely:
- What are the best policy tools to ensure institutional, governance and integrated support for rural areas at all levels? At EU level, would turning the rural vision into a strategy have added value in terms of meaningful actions on the ground? How can the EU further help Member States, regions and local communities develop national and regional rural strategies and action plans?
- How to improve the monitoring and assessment of the resources from the different EU funds and programmes?
The event put in place innovative and interactive methods of group work to facilitate exchange and peer learning among rural policymakers.
Target audience
The Policy Lab gathered 100 participants:
- Policymakers at national and regional levels in charge of designing, implementing and monitoring policies with an impact on rural areas;
- Rural stakeholders involved in advocacy and representing the voice of rural communities.
Background documents
- ‘Making the Rural Pact happen in Member States’, Policy Briefing (available in 24 EU languages), Rural Pact Support Office
- The long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas: key achievements and ways forward
- Study on funding for EU rural areas
(PDF – 209.22 Ko)
Additional info
Hotel Le Plaza Brussels
Adolphe Maxlaan 118/126 Brussels 1000 Belgique
Rural Pact Support Office
Introduction to the day, Urszula Budzich-Tabor, Rural Pact Support Office
(PDF – 446.84 Ko)
OECD principles on rural policy, Jose Enrique Garcilazo, OECD
(PDF – 2.82 Mo)
Coordinating policy tools at Member State level, Attila Nagy, Department of CAP Coordination Ministry of Agriculture in Hungary
(PDF – 463.36 Ko)
Rural Development in Germany, Dr. Klaus Heider, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Germany)
(PDF – 352.83 Ko)
First working group discussion, Urszula Budzich Tabor, Rural Pact Support Office
(PDF – 269.51 Ko)
Challenges of monitoring funding in rural areas, Francesco Mantino, Research Center for Policies and Bioeconomy (Italy)
(PDF – 487.19 Ko)
Challenges of monitoring funding in rural areas - CAP, Sophie Hélaine, DG AGRI, European Commission
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Monitoring ESF+ action for rural areas, Mathilde Prilleux, EMPL, European Commission
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EMFAF, Eoin Mac Aoidh, DG MARE, European Commission
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Second working group discussion, Urszula Budzich Tabor, Rural Pact Support Office
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Next steps, Pascale van Doren, Rural Pact Support Office
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