Event - Workshop

Integrating the rural mobility dimension into existing planning frameworks and structures

The third meeting of the European rural mobility network, organised within the framework of the SMARTA-NET project, will overview the latest project activities and encourage a reflection on the planning challenges to overcome for rural mobility to be prioritised by local and regional decision-makers.

  • - CET
  • English
  • European Union
  • Online

Specifically, the meeting will discuss: planning arrangements for rural development; mobility and tourism synergies; new mobility solutions in rural areas; and influencing rural policies at regional, national, and European levels.

SMARTA-NET is an initiative of the European Commission (DG MOVE) that works to promote sustainable and resilient mobility connections between rural areas, within remote areas, and between remote rural areas and urban areas, taking account of the need to support ecotourism.

The project’s network brings together municipalities, local and regional authorities, and organisations that are involved in planning or implementing rural mobility – apply to join the SMARTA-NET network!
