News | 18 déc 2023

Rural connectivity in the spotlight at the Broadband Competence Offices annual conference

The 2023 European Broadband Competence Offices (BCOs) Network annual conference offered an opportunity for knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices. It reflected on the challenges, expectations, support needs and barriers to broadband deployment in rural areas.

Rural connectivity in the spotlight at the Broadband Competence Offices annual conference

During the conference, it was emphasised the importance of strategies to support multi-fund investments in rural areas, which is particularly relevant for connectivity and digitalisation. Coordination among different rural policies, programmes and instruments, along with private-public partnerships, was also underlined. The need for clear responsibility and coherence between mobilised funds was outlined, aligning with the ambitions of the long-term vision for EU’s rural areas and the Rural Pact.

Suggestions were made on how BCOs can better engage and coordinate with the needs of local actors for their connectivity needs. The importance of collaboration with local organisations, such as Local Action Groups (LAGs), supporting community development strategies, was highlighted to address the multifaceted challenges faced by rural areas, including connectivity.

Speakers from DG CNECT, European Investment Fund, and Recovery and Resilience Taskforce (SG RECOVER) provided insights into various funding sources, including Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF), Connecting Europe Facility - Digital, and EIF, supporting digitalisation. Insights were provided that around 26% of the RRF are allocated toward digital initiatives. Collaboration among stakeholder networks was considered fundamental, in order to achieve the Digital Decade connectivity goals. The BCO Network has a key role in extending coverage to rural areas, in mapping projects and navigating different financing sources with distinct rules and timelines.

The 2023 European Broadband Awards took place in the afternoon to announce this year’s awarded winners. Fourteen finalists were recognised across five categories, with winners showcasing innovative financing, cost reduction, socio-economic impact, demand generation, and cross-border connectivity. Among the finalists, we would like to highlight Ro-NET: Bringing high-speed broadband to rural Romania project which targeted 695 localities in rural white areas (connecting 200 000 rural households),with the aim of establishing the essential broadband infrastructure needed to stimulate economic growth and job creation.

The Conference and the Awards ceremony celebrated success stories where connectivity significantly benefited rural communities, offering insights into how these achievements can be replicated across different regions. The event also shed light on ways BCOs can better engage and coordinate with the connectivity needs of rural actors, contributing to the overall digital transformation of Europe's rural areas.