News | 16 nov 2023

New funding for sustainable energy projects for local authorities

The EU City Facility (EUCF) is getting ready to launch its sixth call for applications, offering a EUR 60 000 grant to municipalities and municipality groupings (including in rural areas) across the European Union, Iceland, and Ukraine. This funding supports the development of sustainable energy and energy efficiency projects. Discover how you can be a part of this initiative for positive change in your community.

The 6th Call for applications will run from January 15 to March 15, 2024, offering a total of EUR 60 000 in lump-sum payments to 70 selected local governments. EUCF not only provides financial support but also offers practical assistance to local actors in shaping their investment concepts. 

The grant can be utilised for a range of purposes, including technical feasibility studies, legal analysis, market research, and more, all aimed at advancing sustainable energy solutions. 

Who is eligible to apply?  

Municipalities, local authorities, groupings of municipalities/local authorities, and local public entities located in EU Member States (EU-27), Iceland, or Ukraine are all eligible for EUCF support. Additionally, local and regional energy agencies can be enlisted by beneficiaries to assist in developing investment concepts for their sustainable energy projects. 

Sign up for call alerts, review the Guidelines for Applicants, and explore the successful beneficiaries from previous calls. For guidance and support, reach out to the EUCF Country experts and National Hubs. Stay tuned for info sessions scheduled for the beginning of January 2024.