News | 06 juin 2024

New analysis of crowdfunding benefits for rural development in Spain

A new report by EUROCROWD highlights the potential of crowdfunding to transform Spanish rural areas by fostering innovation and community engagement. It further stresses the importance of supportive policies and infrastructure to sustain the benefits of these actions.

New analysis of crowdfunding benefits for rural development in Spain
Image by solidcolours on Canva

The report – available in both English and Spanish – is based on an analysis of 418 crowdfunding campaigns, and concludes that:

  • Crowdfunding represents an important financial viability for projects located outside of traditional urban centres;
  • Funded projects cover agriculture, industry, and services, demonstrating the adaptability of crowdfunding to diverse local needs;
  • Over 80% of the funded projects introduced innovative solutions, focusing on the environmental sector.

The report points out challenges, such as uneven resource distribution, donor fatigue, and an overemphasis on popular projects (which are more likely to attract backers than less trendy, but equally essential initiatives, such as rural healthcare facilities or educational programmes). It further outlines policy recommendations, including for legislative support and financial incentives, training on crowdfunding and finance, and enhanced public-private sector collaboration.