European Commission launches new Vision for Agriculture and Food
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
- Stronger Rural Areas
- Connected rural areas
- Resilient rural areas
- Prosperous rural areas
The new roadmap on the future of farming and food in the European Union outlines a vision for an attractive, competitive, resilient, future-oriented and fair agri-food system. Living and working conditions in rural areas are among the Vision’s four priority areas.

© European Union, 2025
Outlining the main elements of fostering fair living and working conditions in vibrant rural areas, the Vision highlights the importance of strengthening the Rural Pact as a key instrument for dialogue and engagement of civil society and rural communities.
The rural proofing principle, including territorial impact assessments, is expected to be further operationalised and sufficiently resourced at EU level.
Additionally, the Vision anticipates an update of the EU Rural Action Plan in 2025, to be consolidated with projects, initiatives and actions from numerous EU policies to respond to the post-2027 policy priorities.
Participatory, local development tools, such as LEADER/CLLD and Smart Villages, will be further strengthened, while the ‘functional rural areas’ concept will be further developed to address the gap in availability and affordability of services for rural residents.
The Vision considers simplification of EU rules, research, innovation and digitalisation cross-cutting drivers across its four priority areas:
- an attractive agri-food sector that ensures a fair standard of living;
- a competitive and resilient sector in the face of global challenges;
- a future-proof sector that works hand-in-hand with nature; and
- valuing food and fostering fair living and working condition in vibrant rural areas.
For more information, read the full Commission Communication, press release, factsheet, and Q&A page.