News | 28 Juil 2023

Discover 10 inspiring Rural Pact Community Good Practices

The Rural Pact Support Office is excited to share 10 inspiring good practices developed by various rural communities across the EU. These practices showcase innovative approaches to rural development, encouraging members of the Rural Pact Community to learn from successful examples and implement similar strategies in their own regions.

From the creation of bioenergy cooperatives that have allowed several villages in Germany to save millions of tons of CO2 every year, to the use of digital solutions to support active ageing in rural areas of Portugal, each practice demonstrates innovative and adaptable approaches to addressing specific challenges in rural areas.

Sustainability is a key element in these projects. Whether it's promoting green entrepreneurship, renewable energy, or sustainable tourism, these initiatives prioritise environmentally friendly and socially responsible approaches to rural development.

Collaboration, partnership and networking are also part of their success factors. Many of the practices involve partnerships between various stakeholders, such as NGOs, municipalities, businesses, and civil society organisations not only at the local, regional or national level. Some involve also European collaboration, either through benchmarking with other countries or participation in transnational platforms. This cross-border cooperation allows for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and funding opportunities, enriching the development efforts in rural areas.

Many of these initiatives have been successfully replicated or scaled up to other rural areas or regions. They serve as beacons of inspiration and demonstrate the potential for positive change in rural development across Europe.

One last crucial element that emerges from several of these practices is the significance of combining different funding sources to reduce dependence on a single funding stream, mitigating the risks associated with changes in funding availability or priorities. By tapping into different sources, from various levels, such as European, national, regional, and local funding, projects can access a broader pool of financial resources, increasing their overall resilience and long-term viability.

Overall, these 10 practices showcase a holistic and integrated approach to rural development and demonstrate the transformative power of community-led initiatives in rural areas across Europe. By embracing the lessons learnt and experiences shared within the Rural Pact Community, members can create positive change and contribute to the sustainable development of their own regions.

You can discover the 10 good practices on the dedicated page.