News | 17 mai 2024

Call for proposals for interregional cooperation projects, deadline 7 June

Last days to apply to Interreg Europe’s third call for proposals for interregional cooperation projects gathering policy-relevant organisations from across Europe to work jointly on a common regional development issue.

Call for proposals for interregional cooperation projects, deadline 7 June
Image by Interreg Europe

Potential topics within the scope of the call and of relevance to rural areas include uptake of digital technologies, flood disaster prevention, renewable energy, integration of disadvantaged groups in the labour market, rural proofing and rural youth.

Interreg’s cooperation projects capitalise on the experience gained within participating regions through exchange of experience, good practices, and the testing of innovative approaches. Participating regions work together to identify new solutions to their territorial challenges and to integrate these solutions into their regional development policies.

Discover a range of awarded projects and get inspired.