
Skills for Mountains in Transitions

Mountain areas are facing multiple transitions affecting their economies and labour markets. Many are experiencing population decline and loss of attractiveness, leading to brain drain and labour shortages. Climate change is also affecting a significant part of the mountain economy, particularly agriculture and tourism, and poses challenges in terms of training and sectoral restructuring. In addition, the green transition, which is essential for the sustainability of mountain areas, is driving the emergence of new sectors in mountain areas, for which it will be necessary to find the appropriate skills.

  • - CET
  • English
  • Place du Champ de Mars, 2 1050 Brussels Belgium - Brussels, Belgique

In 2023, the European Year of Skills, Euromontana intends to focus on the challenges and possible solutions for employment and skills in mountain areas. The conference “Skills for Mountains in Transitions” will explore the difficulties and opportunities in specific economic sectors, as well as solutions for attracting talents to mountain areas. During the conference, Euromontana will give the floor to representatives of the European Commission, researchers and practitioners who will discuss policy and practical solutions for attracting the talents needed in mountain areas in transitions.

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Place du Champ de Mars, 2 1050 Brussels Belgium

Place du Champ de Mars, 2 1050 Brussels 1050 Belgique



International organisation