Event - Workshop
Entrepreneurship in rural areas with population decline
- Rural Pact
- Rural Revitalisation Platform
- Stronger Rural Areas
- Prosperous rural areas
- Entrepreneurship
- Demography
This interactive workshop will reflect on the design of effective methods to promote entrepreneurship in rural areas, inspired by a series a keynote speeches and presentations of good practices.
- English
- Burgos, Espagne
The workshop will be divided in four sessions addressing:
- Key policy developments at EU and national levels;
- Challenges and opportunities for youth entrepreneurship: How can policies help youth see opportunities in areas where others only see obstacles? How does one capitalise on young people’s energy and commitment to create lasting change?
- Gender dimensions of rural entrepreneurship: Do rural areas make full use of the entrepreneurial potential of women? What obstacles still persist? How can a gender perspective on entrepreneurship make a difference?
- Digital opportunities for rural entrepreneurship: What is needed to capitalise on them? Could digital tools help rural entrepreneurs recruit the talents they need to transform individual initiative into robust businesses?
Additional info
Burgos Espagne
Interreg Europe